MultiSelect is a component that allows you to select multiple items from a list.
'use client'import { MultiSelect } from '@nerdfish/ui'export function MultiSelectExample() {return (<MultiSelectname="framework"placeholder="Select a framework"onCreateItemsClicked={(value: string) => {`Create item "${value}"`)}}onEditItemsClicked={() => {'Edit items')}}options={[{ value: 'next.js', label: 'Next.js', color: '#000000' },{ value: 'sveltekit', label: 'SvelteKit', color: '#ff3e00' },{ value: 'nuxt.js', label: 'Nuxt.js', color: '#00c58e' },{ value: 'remix', label: 'Remix', color: '#f5f5f5' },{ value: 'astro', label: 'Astro', color: '#ffffff' },]}/>)}
Comboxbox extends the Input component. All props from Input are available.
import { MultiSelect } from '@nerdfish/ui'import Image from 'next/image'
<MultiSelectplaceholder="Select a framework"options={[{ value: 'next.js', label: 'Next.js' },{ value: 'sveltekit', label: 'SvelteKit' },{ value: 'nuxt.js', label: 'Nuxt.js' },{ value: 'remix', label: 'Remix' },{ value: 'astro', label: 'Astro' },]}/>