Utility classes and CSS variables
Additional utility classes and CSS variables that NerdfishUI uses for components.
Color utilities
Color utilities are made so they work in light and dark mode.
How to use
You can also use color names in utility classes just like Tailwind's original color names. These are utility classes that can be used with a color name:
These work, but will look different if specified in the background, text, or border section respectively.
// These work with all of the tailwind color utilities `bg-`, `text-`, `border-`, `ring-`, ...transparent // example: `bg-transparent`currentnerdfishprimarymutedsuccesswarningdangerinfo
Background specific
bg-primarybg-mutedbg-invertedbg-successbg-success-mutedbg-warningbg-warning-mutedbg-dangerbg-danger-mutedbg-infobg-info-muted// Opacity (works for all of the above)bg-primary/10// otherbg-popoverbg-popover-inverted
Text specific
text-primarytext-mutedtext-invertedtext-successtext-warningtext-dangertext-info// Opacity (works for all of the above)text-primary/10
Border color
border-primaryborder-mutedborder-invertedborder-successborder-warningborder-dangerborder-info// Opacity (works for all of the above)border-primary/10
shadow-outline // subtle outline borderactive-ring // ring that appears when an element is pressedfocus-ring // ring that appears when an element is focused or hoveredfocus-outline // outline that appears when an element is focused, disabled default outlineempty-content // utility for pseudo elements to reset content